
James Hayase

James Hayase

1993 James helped found Franklin Excellence Inc. (now Franklin Covey Japan), where he provided support for time management-centered self-reliance development for individuals and organizational productivity improvement. He held workshops not only in Japan, but also the United States and Asia.
1998 As an associate partner at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), James performed research on high-performance teams in large-scale outsourcing in the United States and Europe, developing and implementing team operations improvement programs for leaders.
2000 James founded One Associates, which specializes in development of personnel who are self-reliant and independent and empowerment-centered leadership training. Having collaborated with US and European experts to develop a globally based program, the firm performs workshops, executive coaching, and other activities in support of organizations’ efforts to promote learning and foment necessary change initiatives.
James is a California-licensed CPA, AICPA member and Friends of Franklin, life member.
He has co-authored the book Human Performance Evolution and was a contributing writer to Outsourcing: A Strategic Approach to Enterprise Transformation (Toyo Keizai, Inc.)


A leader has to face down conflicting factors while seeking out the best decision and acting on it. To be successful, a leader must sincerely listen to others, self-reflect, and develop intuition and insight. Through dialogue, we as facilitators become the mirrors by which you as leaders can see yourselves and produce real results.

Masami Sato

Masami Sato
Director, Fellow, EQ Coach

1990 Masami began working for Texas Instruments Japan Ltd., first heading that company’s recruitment and later overseeing personnel and organization development in the training and organization effectiveness group.
Starting in July 1998, she developed programs using the Emotional Quotient Inventory Assessment at EQ Japan (now EQ Global Alliance), promoting and deploying EQ solutions aimed at organizational revitalization and personnel development, as well as organizational analysis. After leaving that firm in 2004, she worked as a certified profiler to develop content that provided not only leadership knowledge, but also fomented leadership action. She provides support for personnel training and organizational revitalization through coaching and workshops. She is highly flexible and equally capable of helping others to open their hearts.
Her writings include Beginning EQ for Improving Human Relations in the Workplace (joint authorship), OS Publishing. She is certified as an Industrial counselor, Career Consultant and DiSC-certified.


It’s frightening to accept yourself the way you are, but also unavoidable if you want to realize your greatest potential. We hope to serve as mirrors for you on the journey to your best self.

Hidemi Fukuhara

Hidemi Fukuhara

Hidemi served as President of Merrill Lynch Asset Management Japan, Deputy President of Merrill Lynch Mercury Asset Management Japan, and Deputy President of Merrill Lynch Securities Japan. He was the only member of that group’s senior management team to have worked in all three Merrill Lynch core businesses. In 2004 he became President and CEO of VIZ Media, LLC (headquartered in San Francisco, California), a media company that markets Japan’s manga comics and anime overseas. He has been successful in adapting Japan’s unique culture for overseas audiences by bringing together the interests of content producers such as Shogakukan and Shueisha with those of numerous small-scale professionals, and managing employees of diverse cultures and customs. In 2008 he started VIZ Productions, LLC, fulfilling his dream of expanding into Hollywood. His first produced movie was “Edge of Tomorrow” based on the Japanese novel released in 2014. Upon his return to Japan, he is serving as a film producer between Japan and Hollywood. He teaches the management simulation program, drawing on his rich global management knowledge and experience


Give in and you lose. There is nothing you can’t do. Marshal your courage and optimism to avoid being overwhelmed by problems.
The job of a leader is to give courage and optimism to those he or she leads.

Masaki Uesugi

Masaki Uesugi
Executive Fellow

Served as director of human resources department at German, French, and Swiss corporations after working for Japanese corporation. By closely observing many examples of success and failure by managers or staff as head of HR department, learned unity and balance of the mind (emotion), the consciousness and the body are the keys of success for an individual working in organization and facing turning points of life.
Discovering the fact above, started studying and practicing martial arts, psychological therapies, physical training and various methods of meditation.
Especially as for martial arts, training as a black belt holder of “Taiki-ken”, fist fighting technics using “Ki” (Chi) energy, “Batto-jutsu”, traditional sword drawing technics, and “Yakumaru-Jigenryu kenjutsu”. Opened “Taiki-ken” school in Shinagawa. Also, teaches “Batto-jutsu”. Instructor of Mindful Meditation, mental training, and coaching at One inch One step Club.


I would like to help those who work hard facing the conflicts and contradictions caused by sudden changes of the society take the initiative at workplace and in private life, improve themselves, and also take good care of the people around.

Nobu Narita

Nobu Narita

Mississippi LLC CEO / Associate Professor of YAMANASHI GAKUIN Univ. and Digital Hollywood Univ. 1988 Taklamakan Desert Crossing on foot. Started Adventure-HRD Business “I Will Not Complain” with Anthony Willoughby who travelled over 70 countroes and inspired myself. Since then, continuing both Expedition and HRD Facilitator/Consulting such as “Change Leader”, “Cultural Integration”, “Mission-Vision-Value Cascading” etc.
1997 Unsupported North Pole on foot (1st Japanese). 2013-14 CEO of IWNC.
Living @Yatsugatake Mountain area. Gojyu-Ryu KARATE 3-dan. Favorite word is “Unleash!”


“We are All better than we know” means there are many things we can only learn by trying. This approach changes the way we perceive the world. We face changes and difficulties, and enjoy applying the principle. When things change a little, they change a lot. People are able to do quite a bit more!
When we can do more, we have more fun!

Koji Horiuchi

Koji Horiuchi

As President of Arch-it, Koji maintains the ideal of “a society in which the individual contributes,” and has developed a unique decision-making theory that utilizes intelligence, emotion, and will to provide managers and leaders with decision-making support.
Koji is a visiting faculty at Globis Management School. He also assists in the development of certified EQ trainers in the EQ Global Alliance. He also operates highly original sites such as Ki-Do-Sen and *ListFreak.
After obtaining a master’s degree in engineering, Koji worked at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture), serving as a manager in the Technology Group inside Andersen’s Silicon Valley Strategic Technology Center. Returning to Japan, he headed technology and business development for a US-Japan joint venture company.
He has authored such works as Risutoka Shigotojutsu (How to Work Using Lists; Goma Books) and Creative Choice (Nihon Jtsugyo Shuppan).


I believe that a leader’s decision-making is underpinned by the management skills of intellect, emotion, and will. Even with severely limited resources, and even with an uncertain future, we choose the course of action we believe is best and create consensus around it. I hope to lend support as you become a leader who can think this process through.

Shusaku Minato

Shusaku Minato

Dr. Shusaku Minato is Representative Director of Dormouse & Wildlife Institute and a professor at the Kwansei Gakuin University School of Education. He obtained a doctorate of science at Kyoto University. His current projects include environmental education, teaching about the environment through rice paddy conservation, and yamane (the threatened Japanese dormouse) research. Since he was an elementary school teacher, he has believed that the key to our future earth is the principle of environmental protection activities, and the blending of them into society so that many people in many places take part in environmental education and preservation.
Dr. Minato provides instruction in environmental education and science with the goal of developing environmental education. In addition, his interactions with the Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) Nature Conservation Committee have led to environmental education at corporations, as well as collaboration with corporations in environmental conservation efforts (the creation and study of “animal pathways”). He also serves as a member of the Yamanashi Prefecture Commission on Cultural Assets, among other roles.


Our vision is “to deploy comprehensive research toward contributing to society through environmental education and preservation.” We hope to make great progress while valuing each small thing along the way.