Service / Empowerment Leader

An empowerment leader is someone who creates mutual trust, and not just someone who only manages.

In organizations that have realized empowerment, managers are functioning as empowerment leaders. They are fully aware of the importance of developing their staff and have shifted their style from the traditional command and control to trust and followership (empowerment leadership) . They promote and support their staff to think on their own, and create plans to achieve tasks, and then to execute those plans.

The main job of a manager is to lead the team, in an environment that is constantly changing

The job of a manager has changed significantly in the last 10 years. There no longer exists any just a “Manager”. The main job of a manager , in an ever-changing environment, is to lead the Team. A manager needs to be a Change Leader, which differs significantly from the form of management used to date. Under an organization that must change speedily, all managers must obtain new skills.

In order to lead a team in a changing environment, various views are required

In the process of leading members, within a changing environment, guides for leading Leaders are not limited to just one. While performance is expected to be maintained, under chaotic conditions, Teams can become confused and become disappointed. It can be expected that there will be various responses from the members. Leaders need to be able to lead a team, studying multiple options, from various angles, in order lead change.

Example of this program

Empowerment Leadership™


Adapting to a quickly changing environment requires managers to lead in a way that empowers their teams. Empowerment raises each employee’s feeling of engagement and energy to work, leading to joy as they collaborate and find synergy with others. This course deepens understanding of Empowerment, as managers reconfirm their roles and responsibilities and find out what success factors lead in the direction the company wants to go, so they can guide team members to proactively share values and behave accordingly.


2days program


Managers or project leaders, manager candidates, next generation leaders

Expected deliverables

  • Bring out capabilities of staff, create collaboration, understand empowerment leadership
  • Envision the stance sought for of own organization/team
  • In leading the direction sought for in the organization, objectively understand your own influence on the organization
  • In order to empower your own organization/team, create a plan related to specific actions


Theme Contens
What is empowerment
  • Philosophy and behavior of empowerment leaders
  • Roles and responsibilities of empowerment leaders
Understanding of the direction the company is taking, and envisioning our organization
  • Understanding the mission, vision, behavioral directions
  • Envision and empowered organization
  • Envision your own department
Current status analysis
  • Level of organizational empowerment, own leadership
Practicing empowerment leadership
  • Motivating employees
  • Developing collaborative relationships
  • Shifting to supportive leadership
  • Level and style of decision making
Action plan
  • Actions for realizing empowerment

Change Leadership™


Measure the methodologies for transformation, and while deepening observations related to Leadership, utilize the framework and create a transformation plan. 70% of the time will be used towards group work and discussions, being a hand on program.


2days program


Managers and workplace leaders promoting transformation

Expected deliverables

  • Learn the basics of change and transition, and while applying the change framework in relation to the change and transitions you face yourself, you will propose a plan, the necessities and vision.
  • Create a communication strategy concerning your change and transition.
  • Learn how to deal with push back, transition management, methods for sharing progress and results with stakeholders, with a high commitment concerning your efforts towards change.



Accept the role as Change Leader

  • Share our respective perspectives on the changes we are facing today
  • What does it mean to lead change
  • Promote an understanding that a People manager is a Change Leader

Emotional responses to change: Transition Curve™

  • Understand the transition curve of those amidst change
  • Understand the 4 important skills for overcoming change
  • Understand what Leadership is required in each step of the transition
  • The importance of psychological safety

Pickup the current conditions and the issues within the organization

  • Introduce the frame for strategical thinking
  • Using strategical thinking, define the problems in your organization
  • For your organization’s problems, find the highest priority items, looking through InsideOut perspective

Leading change

  • Reasons Change fail or succeed
  • Adopting the transition curve for change in organizations (what level of people to work with, don’t focus only on those refusing)
  • Formula for a successful change and framework for leading change

Create an action plan

  • Concerning your highest priority looking from the InsideOut perspective, specifically plan out what needs to be done by when, referring to the contents from Change Leadership™